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Candy Crush Saga LEVEL 65: Hints and Tips

This is one of  the hardest levels on CCS, since it appears so early in the game.
First priority I took care of is the chocolate at the top 2 corners. If it's not taken off for a certain period of time, the pathway will be blocked, making it difficult to progress and in most cases, you'll have to restart (unless you can form such a combo, like the colour bomb+stripped seen in Fig.1)

If you like and if you're lucky, you can wipe out all the chocolate at the beginning fast, so it'll make it easier for you to removes the candy on the side, or form combos, but in most cases, it won't be possible so I would suggest only using this method if you get a lucky start off.

Don't waste any time creating wrapped candy, unless it's paired close to a striped, or near the bottom. The best combos for this level is colour bomb+striped, or 2 striped together. Another tricky method is to place the striped candy into one of the sides, in a position where it can damage the other sides.

Eventually, you'll be able to take down this level (but you will face this level again later on with different circumstances)

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