Adrians Tips.
Yet another nasty level (one of the few I've only got 2 star
on!): As I'm sure you've realised the trick is get the damage
"inside" that middle area ... as you've got all the choc
factories try and keep it in check, but don't waste tooooo
much time on it ... if you do / the choc advances too far just
give up and start again!
Try and make horizontal striped
candies on the edges, and try and let them drop down the
two sides before detonating them and make vertical striped
candies along the top.
Obviously combos are good (so take
them if you can make them, especially a colour
bomb+striped!) but blasting a wrapped candy is good if
you can get it close first ... that way the second explosion
will be "inside" that area.
Again, sounds obvious, but do look
for combos inside that area, it's very easy to focus
elsewhere, only to find an easy combo inside!